About a decade ago, a wild mallard duck flew into our pond. We had two other ducks at the time. With a nice place to sleep and all the food he could eat: of course he decided to stay. So we added a new member to our family. At first he was scared of us, but as time passed he grew out of that. Every now and then if we weren't watching, he would sneak into the house to eat some dog food. Well, after a few years the other ducks passed away and Lenny grew lonely. Lenny needed some company! We had to stop him from visiting the neighbor's chickens, so that's when we got the gang!
The gang we got to keep Lenny happy, consisted of six ducks. When a duckling is young, you cannot tell if they are males or females. The baby ducks invaded the bathtub and became part of our family. When the baby ducks outgrew the bathtub they graduated to a cage outside. Once they started to develop feathers, we took them to the pond. From then on, we could never get them out! When the feathers grew in we realized we were lucky! We ended up with two males and four females.
Dexter, Lilly, Don, Heidi, Delilah & Georgette
Tyler, the original "Wine Dog" was a great babysitter!
"Tyler the Wine Dog" made friends with everyone!
Lenny lived a long happy life along with Dexter, Lilly, Don, Heidi, Delilah & Georgette.
Lenny has since passed on but has left his mark on all of us, as did all the ducks that have been part of our family over the years. They are sadly missed.